I have a question for you.
When you find that you really like something that you assumed you wouldn't, does it annoy you, or delight you?
I must admit, it rather annoys me. Let me explain -
I don't watch a lot of regular TV. I simply don't have time to get involved in a series. Yes, I have a
DVR, (what a wonderful invention!), and it helps, but I still rarely find the time to actually sit and watch something. Because of that, I just don't even start to watch a weekly TV series,
even one I'm sure I would love, because I don't want to spend the time trying to keep up with each episode.
When I see advertisements for a new show, I tune them out just for that reason. So, when
Big Love started a couple of years ago, I didn't pay a lot of attention. The
premise alone was
enough to turn me off of it. Let's face it; I have some very
preconceived notions about far right Mormon pluralist, and the entire idea of multiple wives creeps me out to no end. Easy to avoid that show, right?
Well, it
The new season started three weeks ago, and I
caught a few minutes here and there of the show. Then, I watched the entire third episode.
Damn you HBO for making such intriguing and interesting characters!!!!
hooked. I've already set the
DVR to record all the episodes, and this Friday is a back to back to back catch up for all of this season.
It is a good show. Even if I feel like I need a shower after I watch it.