I'm still here, just busy.
I thought I'd give you an update on my life and frame of mind. (Mostly in random thoughts and bullet points.) Of course, I am also on Facebook. More about that later.
First and foremost, in early June, I flew to Miami where the lovely Xena was waiting for me at the airport. We then proceeded to drive from Miami to Texas with all of her worldly goods.. Yes, she is here and all is well. As a matter of fact, she has my dream job! She is the Theatre Arts teacher at our old high school.
We have another dog - Titus Andronicus Barnes. I suppose he will be the subject of several posts all on his own.
My brother continues his struggle to regain function in his body and brain after his accident of a couple of years ago. He is better, much better actually, but will most likely never walk again or be able to live unassisted. Again - several post to cover that.
On the same sad note, my Mom died last month. She was 71, and it came very unexpectedly. That post is definitely coming soon to a blog near you.
Work is picking up, after an extended period of reduced hours. I am very grateful for that. Things were looking pretty bleak around the office, there were a number of layoffs, but thankfully, I wasn't one of them.
I'm sure I'll have something to say about the dismal election and the stupidity of giving the keys back to the guys who crashed the car.
What I mean to say is . . . . . can I come back and play?
Oh yes, and Zoe is still as beautiful as ever.
Glad you're back to postin'!
So great to see you around these parts again, and yes Zoe is lovely!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother . . . but happy for other positive developments.
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