I know this is ridiculously close to a cliche', but the older I get, the faster those seasons seem to pass. Children that were little kids what seems like yesterday are driving cars and discussing college plans.
The passing of time can't be held back.
I've been a single Dad for 5 years. Dylan and Clinton were both in grade school when we started this thing, next year they will both be in high school. Zoe was 2 years old. She will turn 8 in just a couple of months.
I wish there was a way to bottle up these years and keep them safe on a shelf, to be taken out and treasured from time to time. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to pull out these years later, when we have the time to sit and savor them? Instead, I rush from project to project, weekend to weekend, trying to squeeze out a bit of relaxation and enjoyment between dinners and laundry, and track practices.
I need to remember that life isn't about the destination, it's about the journey.
I took this picture of Zoe and Molly this weekend.

When I downloaded it, my mind immediately flashed back to a picture of these same two girls that was taken 5 years ago. I wasn't sure where it was, but I found it on a back up disk this morning. When I compared the two pictures, I wept.
It goes so fast.

Enjoy everyday dear readers. Savor the moment. I'm going to try and take my own advice.