A couple of you have noticed that I've been avoiding politics lately. To tell you the truth, I'm still a little bit dazed and disillusioned over the primary nastiness. I'm even more disgusted that we aren't up by double digits at this point.
Make no mistake, if Barack Obama were named Barry Oliver, had the exact same credentials and a bit less pigment, we would have a 30 point lead in every poll. (But that rant is another post)
Today, let's talk Sarah Palin. Because, you know, by gosh she just hasn't been in the news much lately.
I think we need to be very, very cautious, This entire ordeal with her has the stink of a Karl Rove October Surprise to it. Let's face it, she is not ready to be President, and even if she were, FSM help us.
However, when every morning I see a new conservative pundit tell the world she is unprepared and, well, shall we euphemistically say, intellectually incurious, (Who does that sound like? - YIKES!), I think we are being set up. We are all aware of the phrase, "the soft bigotry of low expectations." The bar for her performance in the debate is being set so low, that if she goes up there and pronounces her name right, pundits will say she exceeded expectations, is a fast learner, and shows that she is capable of tackling any job in the face of adversity, etc..... ad nauseum .
Don't be fooled friends.
To anyone who tries to tell you she appointed herself well, ask them to imagine what a Palin presidency would look like.
I just threw up a little in my mouth when I typed that.
She's the worst of Bush mixed with the worst of Cheney. Think the last 8 years on steroids, with lipstick.
This has the ring of truth to it. We should all be well aware of the canny and sneaky strategizing ways of Rove and his ilk.
Must agree entirely with your last two sentences.
I know people who are looking for every reason to vote against Obama, not necessarily to vote for McCain. The thing they keep repeating is that Obama is going to raise your taxes. They won't listen to any counter arguments. They live and die by what Fox News tells them.
The thing they keep repeating is that Obama is going to raise your taxes. They won't listen to any counter arguments. They live and die by what Fox News tells them.
I work with an entire office of those people.
They will continue to vote against their own interest time and time again.
To some extent I agree with you and we are all understandably suspicious and waiting for the other shoe to drop with McCain, and for good reason. I will take a bit of issue with your assumption that if Obama wasn't black that the Democrats would be up higher in the polls. I see this as being a very partisan time and I don't see any landslides for a good long while, if ever again.
A lot can happen in a month's time. Your post calls into question whether the American people are capable of looking at things objectively or if they run on scare tactics and hyperbole.
KC -
Your post calls into question whether the American people are capable of looking at things objectively or if they run on scare tactics and hyperbole.
That's exactly my point. The majority of Americans do vote on scare tactics and hyperbole.
Just dropping by to say hi and wishing you and your family well.
It is becoming increasingly embarrassing for fence sitters to vote McCain. Obama's right on to keep on the "they think you're stupid" meme. People who haven't made up their minds yet (they vote for President the way they vote in American Idol) are waiting to see what it makes THEM look like to vote for one or the other. If it looks stupid to vote McCain they won't.
McCain is making that easy.
Blue Gal - Great to see you here!
You said it, It has become exactly like American Idol.
Pitiful, but true.
I normally shy away from politics (online, at least), but I have to admit that I'm very scared that the Republican administration may extend another 4 years. It makes me sad and angry. Whenever I see Obama on TV, I shout at the screen "Quit being so damned nice! Quit agreeing with McCain. DO SOMETHING." I miss Hillary. I really do.
But, Sir Robin, you must also know:
"We can't repel fire of that magnitude!"
But we have some Jedi tricks in the works...
Glad to see you here!
yeah just when we thought whoever wins ti cant be worse than the Shrub in walks the moose killer palin.
Fox News is not real. Is it?! Ha ha. But for a large portion of Americans they believe it to be as true as the National Enquirer.
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