But seriously, I just can't start watching that show. Maybe just the opening . . . .
How his naked ears were tortured by the sirens sweetly singing
I am officially an imbecile. I am part of the great unthinking, unwashed masses. I am what's wrong with America.
Not only did I watch an entire episode of American Idol, I actually voted.
FSM, just shoot me.
Ok, in my defense, it was Andrew Lloyd Webber night. I get a pass for that, right?
For what it’s worth – my ranking last night.
1. Carly Smithson -- "Jesus Christ Superstar" (Hmm Judas as a female?? I'd buy a ticket to see her sing that role)
2. Syesha Mercado -- "One Rock & Roll Too Many" from Starlight Express (The dress alone was worth second place)
3. David Archuleta -- "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera. (Dude, you do know that song is sung by a girl right? Oh wait. . . yeah)
4. David Cook -- "Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera (Meh - whatever)
5. Jason Castro -- "Memory" from Cats. (My cat left the room)
6. Brooke White -- "You Must Love Me" from the film adaptation of "Evita" (Seriously, the Film version ? WTF?)
Let me not to the marriage of true minds |
Admit impediments. Love is not love |
Which alters when it alteration finds, |
Or bends with the remover to remove: |
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark |
That looks on tempests and is never shaken; |
It is the star to every wandering bark, |
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. |
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks |
Within his bending sickle's compass come: |
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, |
But bears it out even to the edge of doom. |
If this be error and upon me proved, |
I never writ, nor no man ever loved. |
As some of you may recall – Sir Robin Rides Away is hosting the Carnival of Liberals on May 7th. That means it’s time to get those submissions in!! The best way is through the submission form found here. The deadline for submissions is Monday, May 5.
Carnival #63 will be hosted by Batocchio at Vagabond Scholar this Wednesday, April 23. (William Shakespeare’s birthday if you're keeping track at home) Make a note to go over and check it out. I’ll remind you, in case you forget.
Lately, I haven’t been posting as much political content as I used to. There are a couple of reasons for that. Mostly, it’s scandal fatigue. Our government, our election process, our entire political system are just so screwed up, I feel small, insignificant, and utterly helpless in my hopes to change it. Also, there are others who I feel just do it so much better than I do. The second reason is the self-destruction I see going on in the Democratic Party. When I see like minded people who should be happily working together toward a common cause become enemies, it’s time to step back and take a breath.
November is all that matters. I have deliberately been trying to avoid any Primary discussion on this site. That doesn’t mean I’ve given up on the process, far from it!! To that end – Here is my theme for the Carnival of Liberals #64:
Thinking Liberally, Thinking Positively!
I don’t want anything about the primary race, I don’t want any “things are so screwed up rants” As a proud, unabashedly liberal citizen, I get enough of what we’re against, I say – What are we for? I will take submissions on any topic other than the Primary election, but I’m looking for positive submissions. What can Liberalism provide? What can we do better than the failed system of Corporate Harlotry that we have been living under since 1980? Why should anyone be a Liberal? Let’s tell the world on May 7th. Get those submissions in!!
Don't fill up on bread
I say absent-mindedly
The servings here are huge
My son, whose hair may be
receding a bit, says
Did you really just
say that to me?
What he doesn't know
is that when we're walking
together, when we get
to the curb
I sometimes start to reach
for his hand
When it is not stupid jokes, it is (still) stupid Star Wars questions. How does Darth Vader take a bath? I don't know, wet wipes? Sponge on a stick? He pushes the button that says "Wash" on his control panel thingy? The good part of her obsession is that she frequently talks like and even quotes Mr. Vader in her James Earl Jones voice, which is the cutest thing ever. She would kill me if I said that to her, though. She would use the Force to choke me with her mind. Every time I watch Nora walk somewhere I just know she is hearing the Imperial March in her head.
Today either I am abnormally hostile or people are abnormally weird, because strangers keep TALKING to me and LOOKING at me funny and just generally EXISTING IN MY SPACE, and I am super-sick of it. When I went to order my grilled cheese the grill guy (a new or perhaps substitute grill guy, not the awesomely taciturn grill guy who just gestures at you with his spatula in lieu of verbally taking an order) was all like "Grilled cheese! For the grilled cheese girl! Coming right up!" and I was all like "Shut your mouth before I shove you in the fryer" but of course I did not say that. Then I was waiting for an elevator and a different guy was giving me awkward half-smiles and doing some kind of eyebrow thing and I wanted to suggest that he keep his eyebrows to himself, unless he had brought enough for the whole class---which he kind of had, they were pretty bushy. Maybe the eyebrows were new and he was showing them off. In retrospect that was probably a tic or something. Okay, he gets a pass. People I work near, but do not normally speak to, keep punishing me with "Hi" and "How's it going" today. Arrggh! Politeness! Civility! I can't take it anymore!
Do you like Haiku?
It is relaxing to write.
Please write one for me.
It’s almost that simple.
Technically, a haiku should have a suggestion of nature, and perhaps a reference to the season in which it was written, but those constricts have mostly been done away with in English versions.
The old pond is still
a frog leaps right into it
splashing the water
Perhaps I like that one best because in my mind, the 5-7-5 must hold, but it just seems to capture the feeling right. Who knows?
I have recently been reading a new translation of Beowulf, and it is such a beautiful poem. Not at all the way I remember reading it before.
So, back to my little Haiku at the top:
Do you like Haiku?
It is relaxing to write.
Please write one for me.
Please, today, include a haiku in your comments. If possible, make it about this blog in some way. It doesn’t matter how. It could be about a particular post, about me, about a commenter, about our little community here in this corner of the tubes. It can be about one of the pictures to the right. Just 5-7-5, that’s all.
I love the idea of this poem. Be filled!! Be Drunk with what is ever it is that fills you, be it poetry, virtue or wine. So, with what are you drunken? With joy, with love? Are you drunk with rage at this administration? Can our congress be drunk with justice?Be drunken
Always. That's the point.
Nothing else matters; If you would not feel the horrible burden of Time weigh you down and crush you to the Earth,
Be drunken, continually.
Drunken with what?
With wine, with poetry, or with virtue as you please.
but Be drunken.
And if sometimes on the steps of a palace or on the green grass in a ditch or in the dreary solitude of your own room
You should awaken and find the drunkenness half or entirely gone
Ask of the wind ,of the wave, of the star of the bird, of the clock of all that flies, of all that sighs, of all that moves, of all that sings, of all that speaks, Ask what hour it is, and wind, wave, star, bird or clock will answer you,"It is the hour to be drunken
Be drunken if you would not be the martyred slaves of Time.
Be drunken Continually, with wine, with poetry or with virtue, as you please."
Valentine for Ernest Mann
Naomi Shihab Nye