Are any of you regular readers of Carnival Of The Liberals?
Here's the deal in a nutshell:
Once every two weeks, a different liberal blog hosts the event. (Next event is Feb. 27 at The Largest Minority.)
Prior to the hosting, the host site will receive entries for that event.
The host reads all the submissions and picks the ten he or she wants to post.
The host then prepares a post with links to the ten selected submissions along with whatever tie-in verbiage she or he chooses.
That's pretty much it. The host does get to suggest a theme or suggested topic for the event.
If you have post you are particularly proud of, submit it here.
If you would like to host an event, go here.
And . . . . . .
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Drumroll please . . . . . . .
Sir Robin Rides Away will be the host on May 7th, 2008!!
I'm excited! I need suggestions for the theme/topic. Any thoughts?
I hope to FSM that the Dem's have a nominee by then, so Hillary v. Obama is out.
That's exciting!! And my mind is completely blank for suggestions. I'm a big fan of environmental stuff ... perhaps combine that with your love of good food and have a theme on eating with an environmental conscience?
Hmmmmm, not bad, not bad at all!
(Welcome back, missed you lately)
wow that's exciting!
i have no suggestions yet...but it isn't nine here yet and i don't think w/o coffee...
And, in case this works, I agree with celticfemenist's idea.
ooh...celticfeminist's idea is cool!
it's a great idea! I might even get off my lazy butt and do some real writing, rather than just complainig about the weather.
Complaining about the weather is the great American pastime!!
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