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How his naked ears were tortured by the sirens sweetly singing
This pretty much sums it up in a manner even the people who don’t follow politics can understand.
If you can’t tell they’re lying, you aren’t trying.
Ahh, Sunday Morning.
Is there anything better than the pace of a Sunday morning?
On Sunday, the coffee is pressed, not brewed. Breakfast is leisurely, not rushed, and more often than not more adventurous than its weekday counterparts.
I have been an early riser my whole life. My favorite time of day is early, before anyone else is awake. I love to go outside with my coffee and watch the sun rise as it peeks over the bay. No rushing to work or school, no cars on the street, just me, the sun, the coffee and the birds. The birds are never so loud as on Sunday morning. The chirps and twitters and calls no longer have to compete with delivery truck exhaust pipes or lawn equipment. This is their movement, and they perform like virtuosos for about 45 minutes. Then, as the rest of the orchestra wakes up and joins in, they are content to take the backseat again, still there, just removed to accompaniment roles until next Sunday morning.
Alas, today I over slept, missed my Sunday morning symphony, and have to go into the office for a few hours.
Well, I can look forward to next Sunday all week.
Mark Foley has nothing on Ted Klaudt (allegedly).
Klaudt, a Republican Representative in the South Dakota Legislature has been charged with 8 counts of rape. Five girls have come forward with allegations, but so far, the charges only involve two of the girls.
He's accused of performing "ovary checks" and "breast exams" under the guise that he was helping young women donate their reproductive eggs, according to court records.
Is that what they call it now?
Dude, it’s a good thing you live in South Dakota, because that line ain’t gonna fly in pretty much any place but Hicksville and Appalachia.
FSM, where do I start?
Ok, first of all, why do the Republican sex scandals seem to have a disproportionate amount of molestation, rape and “closet” homosexuality? Shit, at least Monica was of age and a willing participant. (discloser - I was going to make the above sentence link to appropriate scandals, but there were just too damn many to choose from. If you are really interested, just type Republican Sex Scandals into Google, you will find freaky shit you never even heard of, I promise!!)
As long as the Republican party makes all sex “illicit” and women’s bodies “dirty nasty things” we will continue to see this type of perversion from the “Family Values” party.
OK, you may think that was harsh. You may say, "Well, Brave Sir Robin is jumping to conclusions, this is bad, true, but he's really coming down on this guy." Well to you I say:
There’s more.....
The girls were his FOSTER CHILDREN!!!
Dude, Woody Allen thinks you crossed the line!!
Bloody hell, Foster children and (of course), legislative pages! I guess he was auditioning for a National office huh?
Go read the article, this bastard is one nasty, sick misogynist asshole.
Family values my ass.
Wake up
Brave Sir Robin feels the need to shower after writing this post.
"No organic foods, no fresh vegetables, we were looking for the cheapest of everything. We got spaghetti and hamburger meat that was high in fat -- the fattiest meat on the shelf. I have high cholesterol and always try to get the leanest, but it's expensive. It's almost impossible to make healthy choices on a food stamp diet."
"We don't have to wake up worrying about the next meal. But there are a lot of Americans who do. I think it's wrong. I think it's immoral that in the U.S., the richest country in the world, people are hungry."Gee, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, I said it.
As I began cooking, separating and freezing food for the week, I began to worry that we won't have enough food to get us through Tuesday. It seems there are two ways to think of this: if we want to eat healthy food, this is like a very strict diet or a semi-fast. There is strict rationing of protein and fruits and vegetables. If we want a more satisfying portion size, the only way to do it is lots of rice, pasta or beans (but we only have 2 cans of those). And that goes against what I think of as healthy on a plate (which would be 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbs and 1/2 fruits and vegetables). But it's a long time until Tuesday and we have a limited amount of the "good" stuff so we're doling it out carefully.
My biggest concern today is running out of food before the end of the week. One loaf of bread doesn’t make as many sandwiches as you’d think, and I’m running through my cottage cheese pretty fast as well. The budgeting was hard enough, rationing what I do have will present another challenge.
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According to the data, people who maintain their weight through diet rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits of internal fat, even if they are otherwise slim. "The whole concept of being fat needs to be redefined," said Bell, whose research is funded by Britain's Medical Research Council.Here's the kicker -
"Even people with normal Body Mass Index scores -- a standard obesity measure that divides your weight by the square of your height -- can have surprising levels of fat deposits inside."
The chocolate was blended …. And it was GOOD!!!!
Oh my (insert deity of your choice)!!!! WOW!!
Did I find the quickest, easiest recipe for a dreamy chocolate mouse I have ever, ever, EVER seen?
Well, yes thank you, I did.
This was in the April issue of Bon Appetite, and it ROCKS!!!
Blender Chocolate Mousse
1 cup of bittersweet chocolate chips. (I used Ghirardelli 60% cacao)
¾ cup water
2 Tablespoons sugar
¼ teaspoon instant espresso or coffee (I can’t find instant espresso here, I used coffee)
3 large egg whites.
Place chocolate in blender.
Bring water sugar and espresso powder to simmer in small saucepan. Stir to insure sugar is dissolved.
Pour water mixture over chocolate. COVER BLENDER and blend for 5 seconds.
Add egg whites and blend for 1 minute.
Pour into 4 prepared cups. (I used martini glasses)
Chill for about 2 hours.
Freak your ass out over how easy and delicious it is.
It should also be fairly low cal, and very low fat.
I suppose I might try it with cream instead of the water just to see, but it’s pretty damn good like it is.
UPDATE, 5-14-07 - My kids aren't crazy about dark chocolate, so this weekend at some friends house we tried this with milk chocolate morsels. It didn't work, it separated in the glass and never set up.
I am so blinded by rage at this article that this post probably won’t even make sense.
As I have mentioned before. I am a single father. The minefield that is post-divorce child-rearing, visitation, dealing with the ex is my daily fare. I live in constant fear that the slightest accident or misstep will mean another trip to family court and the kids going to their mother. The logical part of my brain knows this is highly unlikely, but the fear is so deep rooted that it is impossible to dispel.
Deployed soldiers are losing custody of their children while they are gone fighting the war. I just really can’t write anymore about this. Go read it, and get pissed off.
As I mentioned before (see Comments), I had a loquat tree that was severely needing to get out of its pot and into the ground.
Well, I finally got it planted this morning.
So here is the newest member of the Brave Sir Robin Orchard.
Loquats are small evergreen trees that have dark glossy thick leaves. They are highly ornamental, and do very well here where I live. I have several friends that grow them and the fruit is quite yummy.
1. Readymade – Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. M-O-N-E-Y (live)– Lyle Lovett
3. The Nearness Of You – Norah Jones
4. Eruption – Van Halen
5. No Woman no Cry - Bob Marley
6. The Refugee – U2
7. Nothing Compares To You – Prince
8. She’s Only 18 – Red Hot Chili Peppers
9. Could You Be Loved – Bob Marley
10. I Shot The Sheriff – Bob Marley
11. Reelin’ In The Years – Steely Dan
12. Redemption Song - Bob Marley
Notice anything strange?
4 Bob Marley Songs and 2 Red Hot Chili peppers.
Ok, I have 1023 songs on my Ipod. 14 of them are by Bob Marley. That's 1.3%* Yet 4 come up in the first 12?
What about the Chili Peppers? I have a few more by them (43), with 5 albums represented, yet both songs came from the same album.
I know mathematicians will tell me I'm just looking for a pattern where none exists, but damn. That doesn't seem very random to me.
Anyone else experience this?
*Update: I screwed up the decimal place in the original post. It is now corrected!
h/t to Camera Obscura.
But then he got pulled off the list. That's made people take a second look at his prosecution of a bureaucrat in Wisconsin's Democratic governor's administration. That conviction got overturned by an appeals court last month. And not just overturned, but judged "beyond thin" and "preposterous" and sent back for a directed acquital.