Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I Still Hate Valentine's Day . . .

Another reason to hate Valentines Day?

All of the insipid, non-news, "news stories" that will inevitably be in every newspaper, newscast, website, or TV show.

We get it!!! February 14th!!! Day for lovers!!!!! You are too lazy to do a real story!!!

Such as:

The New York Times FRONT PAGE, above the fold has not one, but two:

In Celebration of Valentine's Day, a look at the sex life of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. (You can't make this shit up)

I Love You, But You Love Meat.

From the Houston Chronicle:

Don't Wait Guys, V-Day Is Almost Here.

Yahoo's home page has too many to list.

We get it.

It's tomorrow.

Make sure you buy some overpriced candy or flowers or Vermont Teddy Bears, or Lingerie, or jewelry.

Jewelry - You should see my mail box. Jewelry stores I've never even heard of have, apparently heard of me.

I want this week to be over. It is a painful reminder of what I don't have. Yes, that is a terrible attitude, and an unhealthy way to look at things, but there it is.

I miss Rene' and tomorrow is a stark reminder of what could have been.


GourmetGoddess said...

When I was younger, I used to get Omni magazine, and they had an interesting pictoral story on what sex for the dinosaurs might have been like. It was very creative, in more than one way. I don't think it ran in February, though....

My personal favorite VD Day thing so far has been the full-page if you love someone, serve them a huge hunk of beef advertisement. Because nothing says I love you better than a fatty T-Bone steak.

Brave Sir Robin said...

Omni is the first magazine I ever had a subscription to.

My personal favorite VD Day thing so far has been the full-page if you love someone, serve them a huge hunk of beef advertisement. Because nothing says I love you better than a fatty T-Bone steak.

Exactly, nothing says romance like bloating yourself so full any "other" activity is pretty much out of the question.

Anonymous said...

I must be doing something wrong (er...right) because I don't have anything V-Day related in my mail for the past two days. I just went through the stack and it's all car dealer, credit card, and political propoganda. I know--swing by my house later and we can sift through it all and comment on the merits of the financing for a brand-spanking-new car to pass along to the soon-to-be driving teenage daughter, the unholy percentage rate on the credit card I don't need, and the two (yes, two) political postcards from Troy Baxter, of which neither the first nor the second provides and details or commentary about who the hell he is or what he stands for. Take that back..."responsible leadership."

Now THAT is romantic! It's all floating hearts and stars over here :)


Anonymous said...

Okay, I think you may start rationing out comments to me soon but isn't there a joke somewhere in there about the dinosaur sex... "I can't reach it either!"


Brave Sir Robin said...

Okay, I think you may start rationing out comments to me soon but isn't there a joke somewhere in there about the dinosaur sex... "I can't reach it either!"

I'm thinking a Gary Larson type cartoon, with the T-Rex looking at a porn rag with arms too short.

Anyone with a caption?


Anne said...

The only VD-related mail I've gotten was something several weeks ago from a shady-looking "support the troops!" charity asking me to donate money or something to send a soldier a valentine.

Then last week I read something in the NYT about this same charity using an outrageous percentage of donations on "overhead" or other fuzzy expenses, and only 10-15% on the stuff for the troops.

I actually didn't think the "I love you, but you love meat" article was particularly Valentine-related. It strikes me as the sort of thing that could be run at any time of year (speaking as someone who clashes, cuisine-wise, with her significant other and is all too aware of it throughout the year, not just in mid-February). I wasn't too bothered by their running it (after all, it was in the Dining & Wine section--at least online--which seems appropriate), but perhaps I was just too distracted by the feeling of "yes! exactly! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way!" :)

Brave Sir Robin said...


The article itself was fine, but (at least early this morning), it was headlined as a Valentine's story.


somewaterytart said...

That Houston Chronicler article is horrifying. So basically, if you can't afford jewelry, you don't love her. And a Coach handbag for Valentine's Day? What the extravagant is going on here?! And why do men have to do all the work? That's the most passive-aggressive, sexist shit ever.