Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Hate Fucking Valentine's Day

Everywhere you go, everywhere you look.

Valentine's day bullshit.

Even in Fucking World Of Warcraft, there is Valentine mania.

Wake up people!!!! It is a brazen attempt to part you with your money!!!!

If you love someone and you have to wait until Feb. 14th to show it, there isn't a box of chocolate in the world that is going to fix that relationship.

That is all.


FriĆ°vin said...

txrad and I celebrate nothing except maybe birthdays, and not all of those. Count me among the group who refuses to be told when I need to show love to my partner or my mother, or whatever. It's funny how I ended up in the ad biz as much as I despise marketing. :lol:

Brave Sir Robin said...

It's funny how I ended up in the ad biz as much as I despise marketing. :lol:

Funny how that all works. I am an actor at heart, I loved Theatre, literature, music. . . .

and I work in Engineering?



GourmetGoddess said...

I always call it VD Day. Or Happy Stalker's Day.

And I am shy, loathe money, hate rich people, and am terrified of rejection, and yet I work in fundraising. Go figure :)

Brave Sir Robin said...


I could not do what you do.

When I was on the board of directors for our local community Theatre, I loathed fund raising. I just hate asking people for money.

Probably one of the reasons why I hated sales so much.

Anne said...

If you love someone and you have to wait until Feb. 14th to show it, there isn't a box of chocolate in the world that is going to fix that relationship.

Amen to that!

That said, I have no qualms whatsoever about profiting from post-Valentine's-Day sales at the good (and ordinarily too expensive for my budget) chocolate shops.

Brave Sir Robin said...

I have no qualms whatsoever about profiting from post-Valentine's-Day sales at the good (and ordinarily too expensive for my budget) chocolate shops.

Fair enough!!

I have purchased some post-VD chocolate myself.

Petra said...

Oh dear, is it that time of the year again?

I must admit - I have a blind regarding those "days of celebration." They just don't register with me; probably a very, very good thing.

Anonymous said...

I know... but I LOVE chocolate and a funny card? Come on! If only we could make napping a part of that tradition...OR one better - Happy Hedonism Day? Hmmm


Brave Sir Robin said...

Ok, I'll take the nap.


Robin said...

We're prone to celebrate twice a year: our wedding anniversary (July) and the anniversary of when we met (December) rather than on the Hallmark holidays. Our plans for this Thursday are to spend the day exactly the way we spend every Thursday. Together.

The nap sounds great to me. The sale-priced chocolate sounds better.

Anonymous said...

whoa whoa whoa!

i have had a ton of fun running all the over azeroth gathering those stupid coins and getting me some gifts of adoration...you need to send me an email telling me what and where you play!*

and i got a cool little flying troll thing...it's cute...

but if that is all too much, just focus on the fun lunar festival stuff!

*i swing both ways on WoW...i have hordies and allies alike! pick your poison!

Brave Sir Robin said...

*i swing both ways on WoW...

Sure, tease me . . . . .


Batocchio said...

Even in Fucking World Of Warcraft, there is Valentine mania.


Post VD chocolate sounds good, though.